
Boys and Girls 10½ – 14 Years Old
The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years. A young person can come in to the Troop at 10 and may stay until they are 15 years old.
The Scout Troop is the third and final Section in the Scout Group. As a Scout you can take part in a wide range of activities as part of your programme. This could be anything fro m Abseiling to Zorbing, and there are a number of Challenge Awards and Activity Badges to earn along the way.
Scouts is all about finding out about the world we live in, knowing your own abilities, keeping fit for life and developing creative talents.It’s also important to explore your own values and personal attitudes.
Being outdoors is important and there are many opportunities to learn the traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking as well as the wide range of adventurous activities, anything from abseiling to yachting.
The international aspect gives Scouting a special appeal and many Scouts now travel abroad during their time in the Section.
In 2002/3 25,000 Scouts from around the World attended the World Jamboree in Thailand.
In 2007 38,000 attended the World Jamborees in The United Kingdom.
40,000 young people took part in 2011 in Sweden.
And 2016 had over 155 countries represented in Japan
Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.